TEN DESIGN 行十设计由设计师张威于 2019 年末创办于深圳,2021 年成立北京公司,并带领团队获得全球多项设计奖项。立志创作兼备实用性、手工感、人性关怀、经得起考验的品质空间。实践着将中国人的传统观念与生活方式,在现代空间中进行内向转译的设计方向。作品涉及室内、景观、产品、艺术陈设、展览策划等领域。

TEN DESIGN, founded by designer Zhang Wei at the end of 2019 in Shenzhen, established its Beijing office in 2021, and has led the team to achieve numerous global design awards. The team is dedicated to creating spaces that combine practicality, craftsmanship, human care, and durability. They practice the design direction of translating traditional Chinese concepts and lifestyles into modern spaces, covering various fields including interior design, landscape architecture, product design, art installations, and exhibition planning.

「行 háng 什 shí」是紫禁城太和殿上的屋脊兽,其他殿宇都没有,而太和殿是 紫禁城内等级最高的建筑。登峰造极的建筑构件,象征着唯一与尊贵。我们选取 它的寓意,希望由此激励团队在设计和服务上,有更高的自我要求,让「行十」 的客人独享这份品质。 

"Hang shi" is the mythical creature on the roof ridge of the Taihe Hall in the  Forbidden City, unique to this hall, the highest-ranking structure within the  Forbidden City. As an architectural pinnacle, this element symbolizes exclusivity  and nobility. We have embraced its symbolism with the hope of inspiring our team  to set higher standards in design and service. Our aim is for clients of " Hang shi  " to exclusively enjoy this level of quality.